22 December 2010

下午茶 (1)

这里没有冷气设备,只有风扇和自然风。炎热的天气,还算舒服的。 我点了茶点,找了座位后环顾四周,多是叔叔伯伯老板型的顾客在享用下午茶和聊天,大概也同时在谈生意吧!




07 November 2010

Coin Pouch

I sewed a coin pouch which can accommodate coins and a library card as per request.

This is the first time I sew a pouch padded with fleece batting. It increases difficulties for me to handle thicker edge. Anyhow, I feel good when I touch and hold it which is padded with batting.

I am glad that the recipient of this pouch likes it too.
I will make more as I enjoy sewing such pouch.

18 October 2010


Here are other cute puppies. There are more siblings here.

Watching their daily behavior, they are similar to human kids. Playing with their siblings, fighting and even barking to each other! It is funny that the way they run is just like drunk as they are still learning to run.

I like to play with them.

They look so eager for someone to play with them and pat them.
They look so curious at my camera too.

08 October 2010

Pets II

Four siblings are grown up together. They still cry when the weather is hot.

Look, can you differentiate which is which? Their colors are so similar.

Well, they look like their mother which is of Doberman breed while the father is of Rottweiler breed.

They are agile.

04 October 2010

Proper Bookstore is Nowhere

In the past, I was staying in town and city which have bookstores.

I love reading and I can go to a bookstore spending my leisure time before I buy any books.

This has become my history.

I have shifted to a small town for a simpler life.

I have nowhere to go when I feel I want to flip through hardcopy of new books and do some books shopping!

Well, I think I should catch up with the technology and do books shopping from the e-bookstores.

However, the feel is totally different. Should a simple life equivalent to no books shopping at traditional bookstores? I wonder.

06 September 2010

Small Handmade Crafts

I came across a mini portable sewing machine when I travelled few months ago. It looked cute as if it was a toy. It can only perform simple sewing function. I bought it for fun.

This is the first craft that I used the new stapler-like sewing machine to sew. I want to try out this sewing machine. Here is the cup coaster.

My second craft that using this mini machine is a pencil case pouch. I follow the tutorial in noodlehead tutorial. Before I finish it, my niece and nephews request to own it. Now I only have one, I need to make more as per their requests.

The zip tab is too small and not easy to pull. I use a beads-craft from BeadsLuvr. It looks much better and easier to pull.

29 August 2010

Hand Foot Mouth Disease

After reading "zakkaArt: Simple Happiness: a good news and a bad one" about the blogger's child having Hand Foot Mouth disease, it recalls my experience.

It was an afternoon that I started feeling cold in office. I guessed it was due to cooling weather as it was drizzling outside. Later on, I felt colder and sick. I could not concentrate at work. Hence I left the office 2.5 hour earlier. It was around 4pm and I was heading to a panel clinic near my house. I waited for a bus and went to a train station. From the train station, I must transit at a crowded train interchange before I could reach the clinic. On the train, there was no vacant seat available as I believed it was the time just after schooling. It was such a long journey for me to stand all the way for more than 1 hour. Finally I reached the clinic before 5.30pm. There were about 6 patients before my turn. I was sitting there and waited for long.

The doctor measured my temperature few times and told me that I have high fever. She was so kind that advised me to take a taxi home as it was raining outside.

I rested at home the next day as per doctor advice. Fever had gone but the base of my feet started feeling pain when I walked. On the third day, I went to the clinic again before going to office. It was another doctor on duty. I showed him the red dots under my feet. I told him I suspect it is HFMD. He shook his head and told me that I was allergic to the Panadol that I had taken 2 days ago. Hence after the one day rest, I went to office and walked slowly for the whole day.

After all, 4 of my family members started sick and their doctors confirmed that they have Hand Foot Mouth Disease. One of the doctors even advised them to stay at home for 2 weeks.

(picture shows my recovering foot)
I believed I was sick due to this same disease. When the blisters appeared under my feet, I confirmed that it was Hand Foot Mouth Disease. I was the one who spread the disease to them. I was so curious that why the doctor unable to diagnose it when I showed him my bare feet?

11 August 2010










午后,我们要尝试在海边静静地领听大自然的声音:海声与风声。于是我们到另一个海边找座位,许多游客静静躺在睡椅上,座无虚席。我的朋友都拿大毛巾舖在一棵大树下席地而睡午觉。我也学他们。心想这么累,该会是个很甜的午觉吧。 岂料人算不如天算。一群本地年轻人跑来我们旁边坐下並大声闹了很久也不离去,破坏了整个气氛。


(感谢以上照片皆由友人Hiew 为我们拍摄。)

18 July 2010

Birthday Card

It was my nephew birthday and he always asks me to send him a greeting card. I was busy working everyday and almost forgot his request. Just few days before his birthday, he called me saying that he is waiting for my card!

I did not want to disappoint this little boy. I put down the phone and quickly searched for any recycle or reusable material to make a card for him. I had limited material. Finally, I used an unwanted card, some felt, cut some pictures from advertisement, stickers and wrapping paper to complete a card for him.

He loves eating and hence I decided to make some 'food' for him in the card. I stuffed the egg yolk with some cotton and sew it. Here it was.

It was a simple card. Yet, he was still happy with the card although he received it after his birthday.

24 June 2010

Red Bean Bun

My friend loves the red bean bun from a bakery in this town. She recommends that it is not too sweet and just nice. She definitely buys it when she comes for holiday. Well, I finally have a chance to buy it from the shop for my breakfast today.

Oh my goodness! Look! There is a big hole inside with little red bean paste. It has too much empty space inside the bun. I try the second bun, it is the same. I'm not sure whether it is due to cut cost nowadays as my friend recommended me one year ago.

04 June 2010


I was busy tidying up my room and packing my stuff for the past few weeks before I travelled.

One of the pets in the house where I transit at that town and stay few days is the dog called 'Boy'. He likes to peep into the house and he looks like a cartoon character.

Finally I come to this small town which has high blackout frequency. The weather here is very hot. The 10-days-old crying puppies become quiet immediately after the fan is switched on for them!

07 May 2010

Origami Lucky Stars

The Labor Day falls on a Saturday this year. We had nowhere to go as we expected everywhere would be crowded. The kids took some paper strips and asked me for help. They wanted to have some origami lucky stars. I did this many years ago. My late sister taught me and we folded them together. I still keep the stars we folded in a jar. Hence I took it out and showed it to the kids. Then I showed them the steps to fold these five point stars.

We finished folding the stars very soon. Kids were happy and spent the time easily.
They wondered if the stars shining in the dark. We took out the stars at night and put them in the dark. There was no shining at all. Then we took them under dim light. ‘Yes! They are shining a little bit!’ Kids get excited easily.
stars under dim lightThey learnt origami during this holiday and they did not feel boring anymore even though they only stayed at home.

23 April 2010

My First Handmade Zakka

I was fascinated by some hand craft books recently especially those cute fabric zakka without using sewing machine. This has initiated my interest to start working on them instead of enjoy viewing only.

During my trip to Kyoto, I have bought two pieces of fabric. I had no idea what to do with them when I bought them. Now, I tried my very first and simple work on small pouches with these materials.
Out of my interest and requirement, here are my first zakka for my own use. One of the advantages to make some zakka on our own is that, we can make any size that we require.

I believe it is never too late to start learning new skills for old hobby.

19 April 2010








14 April 2010


我从小就很常吃到这种俗称‘牛屎挞’或牛屎塔甜点了。虽然名称不雅,却不会令人听得倒胃。在店里它有着'cream tart'的标签。以前的造型是上面的甜奶油向上捲,顶端呈尖形,正像我家外面不时看到的牛屎状。下面那层饼,有类似蛋糕边缘或面包之间的口感。




话说会偶尔想起'牛屎挞'的游子肯定不止我。有一次认识了一位大哥哥,竟然也谈起'牛屎挞'! 他印象中,只有最老招牌的那家做得最好吃。而我,已不知哪家是老字号了,我什至还担心好吃的'牛屎挞'会失传吗?

06 April 2010


话说沙林杰的《麦田捕手》(英文版’The catcher in the rye’,by J.D.Salinger)这本小说在1951年出版时被定为只限成人阅读的书,尔后却被称为“美国中学生必读的一本书”。但孤陋寡闻的我最近才知道有这么一部小说。我不清楚什么是麦田捕手,书本前后也没有简介,所以对它倍感好奇。





17 March 2010





这本书重复了一句话:“当你真心渴望某样东西时,整个宇宙都会联合起来帮助你完成。” 不过,我更喜欢另一句:“没有一颗心会因为追求梦想而受伤。”

13 March 2010






12 March 2010





04 March 2010

Working Hour

17 February 2010



话说这间快餐店在新马也有很多分行,可我从没光顾过。 我平日吃的都比较清淡,而这快餐店在新马的分行大多以煎炸食物为主,所以曾经踏步进去看了菜单就离开了。然而这次在大阪的确第一次光顾,竟然有非煎炸食物,所以很开心的在此点了猪肉饭裹腹。




01 February 2010


08 January 2010


Tarap is one of my favourite fruits since I was a little kid. It is a kind of seasonal fruit and we can normally buy it around mid-autumn festival, which is around September. When the season starts or ends, they are normally sour and not sweet enough.

I did not realise it is not a common fruit even within the same country. One day, we had our language class that we learnt different kind of fruits. My teacher was from another state of the country. She asked us take turn to tell a kind of fruit but we cannot repeat the same fruit that a classmate had mentioned. We started with apple, orange, grape until almost all kind of fruits that we known had been mentioned. One of my classmate brain storming and could not tell a fruit that never been mentioned. Suddenly, he can tell loudly ‘Tarap!’ We all clapped our hands and happy for him. Yet, our teacher did not accept this answer because she never heard of it. We all knew it and tried to convinced our teacher. Finally teacher asked us “Well, how to spell ‘Tarap’?” We all kept silent because none of us knew how to write it but we like to eat it.

After I left my hometown for so many years, I missed the tarap season every year. The only thing is I still can hear it over the phone every year from my family: ‘I just had my tarap and it is so nice, but unfortunately you can’t smell it. If you come back now, you can enjoy it as there are a lot here for free.’

When I started to play around with blog creation and deciding on a blogger name, I received the similar call. I was told nowadays its season not punctual anymore due to the global environment change.

I miss tarap again, just let me name my blog with my favourite sweet tarap although I am not going to talk about tarap in my blog continuously.