This is the first craft that I used the new stapler-like sewing machine to sew. I want to try out this sewing machine. Here is the cup coaster.
My second craft that using this mini machine is a pencil case pouch. I follow the tutorial in noodlehead tutorial. Before I finish it, my niece and nephews request to own it. Now I only have one, I need to make more as per their requests.
The zip tab is too small and not easy to pull. I use a beads-craft from BeadsLuvr. It looks much better and easier to pull.
(picture shows my recovering foot)
I believed I was sick due to this same disease. When the blisters appeared under my feet, I confirmed that it was Hand Foot Mouth Disease. I was the one who spread the disease to them. I was so curious that why the doctor unable to diagnose it when I showed him my bare feet?
(感谢以上照片皆由友人Hiew 为我们拍摄。)
Finally I come to this small town which has high blackout frequency. The weather here is very hot. The 10-days-old crying puppies become quiet immediately after the fan is switched on for them!
I believe it is never too late to start learning new skills for old hobby.
我从小就很常吃到这种俗称‘牛屎挞’或‘牛屎塔’的甜点了。虽然名称不雅,却不会令人听得倒胃。在店里它有着'cream tart'的标签。以前的造型是上面的甜奶油向上捲,顶端呈尖形,正像我家外面不时看到的牛屎状。下面那层饼,有类似蛋糕边缘或面包之间的口感。
话说会偶尔想起'牛屎挞'的游子肯定不止我。有一次认识了一位大哥哥,竟然也谈起'牛屎挞'! 他印象中,只有最老招牌的那家做得最好吃。而我,已不知哪家是老字号了,我什至还担心好吃的'牛屎挞'会失传吗?